Friday, August 1, 2014

It has Finished.

Camp NaNoWriMo has come to an end.

It was an incredible month of writing. I completed 30,000 in a month. Goodness, six months ago when I began my writing journey, I didn't know it was even possible to write so many words in such a small period of time. Now I know that is just a part of the normal NaNoWriMo in November, where the standard goal is 50,000 words. Amazing, isn't it? I have a sense of awe for people who were able to finish a novel in a month along with everything else that is on their schedule.

Our cabin was the Best. Cabin. Ever. Everyone was so encouraging and eager to give tips when one needed help. Every single one of us met our goal. All nine of us! That is so awesome, and congratulations to all of you who stuck through it until the end and made a huge effort to get it done on time. I know that it was really hard to find time for certain people. It was a fantastic month, and I hope to join with all of you again for next year!  *counts off days until next year*

Here are the final results for Katie, Anna, and our cabin.


(Anna did not write that much on the second to last day, she just wasn't updating until then)


Our Cabin:

We made it!! We were so awesome :)


Once again, click on the pictures if you want to see the stats below the graph. It will be hard to read without bringing it up bigger.
It was a great experience. For those of you who have never participated in Camp NaNoWriMo before, I highly encourage you participate along with some of your writing friends. It is a huge encouragement and a great way to track all the progress you make in a month. I never regretted signing myself up for it :)
- Katie


  1. That is so neat that y'all got that many words written! I wanted to participate this year in NaNoWriMo, but I hadn't known about it until the end of June and already had some stuff planned for July. :-( But, it's already on my calender for next year!
    I also wanted to let you know that I have nominated y'all for either The Inspiring Blogger Award or the Sunshine Award (or both) and the link to more info is below:
    Again great job on your writing!

  2. Katie,

    You, Anna and your entire Cabin are just amazing! Congratulation to all!


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